The Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series that aired on HBO and Netflix. It’s adapted from a book series written by George R.R. Martin entitled “A Song of Ice and Fire.” The series continues to increase in popularity across the globe, with many readers becoming obsessed with the drama series every day. A lot would agree that Game of Thrones is truly a great series that captivated many of its viewers and readers alike. However, some who are unfamiliar with it may ask, are the Game of Thrones books good?
The success of the T.V. series and the warm welcome of the viewers are proof that the book version is undisputedly good. People became obsessed with the book because of the many things it can offer. There are so many relatable characters with a great personality. The story moves forward and takes its viewers to a place of curiosity and thrill, let alone the mind-boggling plot twists and many more.
No wonder why the Game of Thrones books sold over 90 million copies worldwide and hit the number 8 spot in the U.S. best-selling book in 2019, following its debut in 2013.
Why are the Game of Thrones books good?
The books have so much to offer, from the story settings, storylines, characters, plot twists, and many more. People enjoyed reading the book, and in fact, became huge fans after reading the first book. Here are some of the reasons why the Game of Thrones books are so good:
- The books come with diverse and complex story arcs. There are lots of plot twists. So, if you are a fan of fantasy books and love the twists and turns of a story, then this book is for you.
- The story is realistic and relatable. The story is in fact, inspired by real human conflicts like England’s War of the Roses.
- Each chapter is a different character’s point of view. It is a big opportunity for readers and T.V. series fans to know more about their favorite characters because each chapter gave the spotlight to several other characters.
- There is a huge number of great characters to choose from including Arya and Jon, Tyrion, Daenerys, and many more. Their characters are rich, interesting, and relatable.
- The dialogues are great, and the way it was written shows why George R. R. Martin became one of the best writers in the fantasy genre.
Are Game of Thrones books boring?
Absolutely not. There are reasons why the Game of Thrones books has sold millions of copies worldwide and why it has become a sensation in several movie streaming apps. And that is because it’s fun, exciting, and compelling. It gained popularity and recognition both by fans and award-giving bodies. Here are a few of its awards and recognition in the past decades:
- The Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel was awarded in 1997 by Locus Magazine.
- The Hugo Award for Best Novella for Blood of the Dragon was awarded in 1997 by the World Science Fiction Society. It is an annual literary award for the best science fiction or fantasy work.
- The Ignotus Award for Best Novel in 2003 by Asociación Española de Fantasía, Ciencia Ficción y Terror (AEFCFT).
These recognitions are living proof that Game of Thrones books are not boring and overly hyped drama, but truly a good literary piece to read.
Are Game of Thrones books hard to read?
George R. R. Martin’s writing style is straightforward with no complicated words. There are no intricate metaphors or complex sentences, which makes his writing easy to read. The words he used are simple, yet it has depth. The message is clear and concise, making it easy to understand.
GRRM is a unique writer that uses minimalism and a curious writing habit. He describes his writing style as, “gardening” where he sows ideas on the ground and waits for creative ideas to pop out, then melding those into the whole story.
Are the Game of Thrones books better than the show?
Of course, reading will let you imagine the setting or events happening in the story, as well as the character. Sometimes, you even put yourself in the character’s point of view. It is more detailed than movies because movies edit out some of the subplots from the book.
However, some people prefer to watch the series rather than read the books. Yes, reading will spur your imagination, but the movie helps you picture the details in the books. Unlike reading, the T.V. series enhances viewers’ experience with the added musical scoring and visual elements. In conclusion, both the show and the books are good. But, if we talk about which is better, the book or the TV shows? That would depend on the preference of a person.
Is the Game of Thrones series worth reading?
Yes! The Game of Thrones series is worth reading, especially to those who love to read fantasy, science fiction, politics, death, wars, dark, and full of gore. The books are jam-packed with so much information, amazing characters, good battles, and many more. Most people really enjoyed reading it.