Can I Sell My Etsy Shop? Your Questions Answered

By Rakib Sarwar Written by Rakib Sarwar
Updated on August 31, 2023

Many people want to sell their Etsy shop because they’re not getting enough traffic, or because they think it’s a waste of time. But selling an Etsy shop is no easy task. Some ask, can I sell my Etsy? Read on to find out.

You can sell your Etsy shop but you will need to follow a process with patience. You need to figure out the value and then list your items on Flippa, Craigslist, eBay, Facebook, or other online marketplaces. It can take weeks to finally find a buyer and during this process, you might become discouraged and give up. 

But I think Etsy shops can be valuable. And if you’re willing to put in the work, I think it can be worth your time to try selling it.

Selling an Etsy Shop

Selling an Etsy shop can be a difficult decision. It’s a lot of hard work and you’ve probably put into it, but sometimes life has other plans for you. If this is the case, then selling your Etsy shop may be the best option for you.

When you sell your Etsy shop, you are selling the rights to run it. This includes the name, branding, and all of the products that are currently in the shop. You will also have to transfer any pending orders to the new owner, and they will be responsible for fulfilling them.


In order to sell your Etsy shop, you will need to do the following:

  • Be sure that you have a balance of no less than $0.00 in your PayPal account.
  • Transfer all pending orders to the new owner, and they will be responsible for fulfilling them.
  • Once you have sold the shop, do not make any further changes to it (no editing of products, photos, or text). You can only remove the items that were in your shop at the time you listed them for sale and documents related to cancellation and refunds.
  • If you have items in your shop that are not for sale, you must remove them before you can list the shop for sale.
  • In order to sell your Etsy shop, you will need to provide the buyer with your PayPal email address. The buyer will then send an invoice to that address and once it is paid, the transfer of the shop to the new owner will be complete.
  • You must also provide the buyer with your Etsy username and password so that they can access the help desk, edit your shop banner, etc. Once the buyer has paid for your shop, you cannot log in using your Etsy credentials or make any further changes to it.

Can I Sell My Etsy Shop?

Yes, you can sell your Etsy shop to someone else. You just need to put your Etsy shop on sale and then the buyer needs to send an invoice using PayPal. Once you receive the payment, you can transfer the shop to the new owner. Then, you can remove the items that were in your shop at the time you listed them for sale and documents related to cancellation and refunds.

There is no time limit for selling your Etsy shop so you can sell it any time of day or night and during weekends also.

You can sell your Etsy shop on Flippa and other marketplaces. 

The first step is understanding why you are considering selling and what you want out of the sale.

The second step is to list your shop on the marketplace where you will be able to attract buyers that are specifically interested in acquiring an Etsy shop.

You’re probably wondering how much you can expect for your Etsy shop. Well, that depends on a few factors, especially since an active Etsy shop with sales is worth more than one without sales.

It also depends on which niche your Etsy shop is in. For example, if you are selling handmade wooden jewelry boxes it will be hard to sell them for the same price as a shop that sells Disney-inspired costume jewelry.

How Much Do Etsy Shop Owners Make A Year?

Many Etsy shop owners make a full-time living from their shops. The amount of money you make will depend on the products you sell, how much time you put into your shop and your marketing efforts.

However, it’s worth remembering that running an Etsy shop involves a lot of costs. These costs include digital storage fees and commissions for payment processing.

Etsy shop owners typically make a profit margin of around 30%. So, for every $100 worth of products they sell, they earn approximately $30 in profits. The more you sell, the more you make.

Can Etsy Take Down Your Shop?

Yes,  Etsy can take down your shop. I guess when Etsy says “handmade”, they really mean it in the sense that the company’s workers will literally sew up your shop themselves if you break their rules.

Selling your Etsy shop is a big decision. If you are considering selling, the best way to make this decision is by balancing what you need now with what will be needed in the future. It’s important to think about how much time and effort it would take to maintain the business as well as whether or not there are any other factors that might change if you were no longer running your own business.