Discord Guest

By Biddrup Mallick Written by Biddrup Mallick I am a freelance writer with over 450 completed projects. I have written to more than 200 satisfied clients since 2011, completing more than 10 projects for each of these clients that added up to over 1 million words. My success stems from my ability to create logical arguments and meeting deadlines while staying true to the company’s voice and brand identity. In 2013, I won an award from Elance for being the top-rated provider in my category!
Updated on August 7, 2023

Discord is a preferred community for different needs, but not everyone might want to create an account to gain access. So, is there a way to view or join Discord servers as a guest?

You can join a Discord server as a guest and without opening an account or entering login details. In the guest mode, you can send messages, DMs, create servers, accept friend requests, etc. 

However, you can’t make any purchase or gift other users Nitro subscriptions while on guest mode. For more information about the Discord guest mode, this guide has all the details on to how to make a guest account on Discord.

Discord Guest: How to View a Discord without Joining

Follow the steps below to view a Discord server without becoming a full member: 

1. Log out of your Discord account

If you’re already logged in on your device, log out of your Discord account by clicking on User Settings > Log Out

Step 1: Log out of your Discord account
User Settings  srcset= Log Out”>

Logging out of your Discord account will redirect you to the login page.

Logging out of your Discord account will redirect you to the login page.

2. Paste a Discord server link on your browser

Get a Discord invite link and paste it on your browser’s Search tab. 

Step 2: Paste a Discord server link on your browser

Pasting the link of a particular server on your browser redirects you to its Invite page.

Pasting the link of a particular server on your browser redirects you to its Invite page.

3. Type in any username

Enter a username in the spaces provided. For illustrations in this article, we’ll use tippy432 as the default username. 

Type the username and click on ‘Continue’ to go to the next step. 

4. Pass the ‘I Am Human’ test

Clicking on Continue sends you to an ‘I Am Human’ test page.

Step 4: Pass the ‘I Am Human’ test

5. Access the Discord server’s welcome page

Step 5: Access the Discord server’s welcome page

With these steps, you can view messages sent on a Discord server without actually becoming a member. Accessing Discord without an account it easy to check out different Discord servers before deciding to join any. 

But it’s worth noting that some server owners may restrict guests from viewing messages on a channel. However, you’ll still be able to check out members on the channel without its owner’s approval. 

How to Create a Discord Guest Account or Use Discord Without an Account

You can use Discord without an account by getting an invite link and pasting the link on your browser. Pasting the invite link on your browser directs you to a page to prove you’re human. After that, you can use Discord without having a verified account.

Note that you may only be able to view messages on a Discord server without registering an account. Discord will usually demand you register an ‘unclaimed account’ to avoid getting it deleted. 

Discord Guest: How to Join a Discord Server without an Invite 

Here’s how to become a member of a Discord server without having an invite sent to you:

1. Log in to your Discord account 

Step 1: Log into your Discord account 

2. Click on Explore Servers

Step 2: Click on Explore Servers

3. Search for a preferred server

Step 3: Search for a preferred server

4. Click on your chosen server

Step 4: Click on your choice server

5. Join server

Step 5: Join server

You may have to wait for the server owner’s approval to send and receive messages after joining. And if you don’t want to join a server using the steps above, there’s another way.

You can visit sites like Disboard.org and top.gg to search for preferred servers to join without an invite.   

Discord Guest: How to Grant Temporary Access to Your Discord Server

1. Log into your Discord account

Step 1: Log into your Discord account

2. Select your server

Step 2: Select your server

3. Right-click on your server and click on Invite People

Step 3: Right-click on your server and click on Invite People

Clicking on Invite People sends you to the pop-up window below

Clicking on Invite People sends you to the pop-up window below

4. Activate ‘Grant Temporary Membership’ switch

Step 4: Activate ‘Grant Temporary Membership’ switch

5. Generate a new link 

Step 5: Generate a new link 

6. Copy or send invite link 

Step 6: Copy or send invite link 

With these steps, you can conveniently grant temporary membership to new members added to your server. Any member that disconnects will be automatically kicked out unless you’ve assigned a role to them after they joined.

Discord Guest: Can People with No Account Enter a Discord Server?

Yes, it is possible for people without an account to enter a Discord server. However, most server owners usually restrict guests from viewing messages and seeing members. Most guests cannot send messages in a Discord server unless granted access by the server owner. 

Can You Preview Servers on Discord Guest Mode?

You can preview servers on Discord guest mode with an unclaimed account on a temporary basis. If you exit the Discord server while in guest mode, you must gain access with another unclaimed account. 

Several limitations exist as to what you can preview on Discord servers through guest mode. 

How Long Do Discord Guest Accounts Survive?

Discord guest accounts survive throughout the time you spend on a server and are deleted immediately after you leave. In many cases, you could lose your Discord guest account forever if you clear your browser’s cached files.