Streamlab platforms are the streaming services that are used commonly such as – YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Trovo, and TikTok. Changing the primary platform on Streamlab isn’t a difficult job if you know the steps.
To the primary platform on Streamlab, you need to log out from the account along with unlinking the previous accounts. Then log in by using the preferred platform and stream key.
What are the primary platforms in Streamlab?
The primary platform in Streamlab means the main platform that a user uses to stream or upload videos. In this case, a user should select the platform they use to stream as their primary platform. If they do so then when the user starts streaming, Streamlab will stream it on the primary platform.
The user can also merge different platforms. One of the most popular streaming platforms is Twitch and it has been in this streaming service for a while. Twitch gives the users many benefits, Twitch has a bigger audience and twitch is solely targeted towards streaming on the other hand a platform like YouTube has videos and streams and shorts.
YouTube is targeted to a broad audience and it has a huge amount of users but YouTube attracts fewer live viewers as it was made to share recorded and edited videos. On the other hand, Facebook is new to the streaming game but they have been adding features to compete with Twitch and YouTube and slowly started to catch up.
Recently, Facebook has acquired a streaming platform named ‘Mixer’ which was previously owned by Microsoft, and cur,rently it is under ‘Facebook Gaming’. Facebook also draws a huge audience and is catching up to Twitch very quickly.
But Twitch and YouTube still generate more numbers. TikTok is newer to the game and it is less based on streaming and more based on shorts and it is much like ‘Vine’. TikTok has gained mass popularity in a short period and it is growing rapidly as the young generation is adopting this new application very quickly.
Trovo is also another streaming service but it has very few audiences compared to Twitch, YouTube, and Fac, ebook. Many new platforms are coming and new platforms create a new audience being the first person to join a platform gives a higher chance to generate more views but the highest viewership numbers are not that high. So, choosing the correct platform is essential.
How to change the primary platform?
To change the primary platform the user needs to log out from the account but before the user logs out from the account, they have to unlink previous accounts. The procedures to change primary platform –
- Log out!
- Open Streamlabs and press the gear icon which is the settings tab.
- Go to the stream section and unlink all accounts until the account that is connected to the primary platform is linked.
- Then go to and click on settings and again go to account settings to make sure that all other accounts are not merged.
- Then press the bottom arrow beside the profile picture/avatar in the top right corner.
- Then press the Logout button.
- Log back in using the preferred platform
- Then you will be redirected to the Streamlabs home tab. Then try to login again and this time log in with the account that you want to make your primary platform.
- Use your stream key correctly
- You might be asked about the streaming key. You can hit the get stream key button to get the stream key from your primary platform website or you can just visit the platform and go to the live menu and look for the stream key and then copy the stream key and then paste it into Streamlabs.
- Select your primary platform
- Finally, select your primary platform to begin your journey.
Make sure to Backup when changing Platforms on OBS
It is also important to make sure you have everything backed up when you are changing platforms and your settings are saved. Otherwise, you will lose your important data.
To order the essence of the platform, ensure that the backup is turned on in your new platform.
Can you use multiple platforms at once?
Yes, you can use multiple platforms at once in Streamlabs. Using multiple platforms at once is usually called multistream. To stream on multiple platforms at once we have to have Streamlabs prime which is a must.
Streamlabs prime is a premium subscription service for Streamlabs which gives the users access to their premium services and one of the premium services is multistreaming. If we have Streamlabs prime then follow the steps mentioned below.
- Open Streamlabs and press the gear icon on the bottom-left corner to open the settings tab. Then go to the stream section.
- Connect to the accounts of the platforms that you want to stream in.
- After that close, the settings menu and press on go live.
- When you press live you will get the option to select which platforms you want to stream in and the software will then show the linked account as an option.
- You can specify different titles for each stream and add different thumbnails for different streams.
- By pressing advanced settings on the live menu, you can change all sorts of things according to your preference.
- After changing to your liking just hit like by selecting the platforms you want to stream in and there you go. Now you are streaming on multiple platforms.