OBS Studio, originally known as Open Broadcaster Software, is a screencasting and streaming program that is free, open-source, and cross-platform. It is used to capture and record video from a variety of sources, including webcams, desktop screens, game consoles, and more. It’s compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, and BSD. However, does a native OBS Mac M1 version exist?
OBS users have been looking for a new native version of OBS for the new Mac M1 chip. Streamers have been asking around to know if OBS has any plans regarding launching a native version of the software for the M1 chip. But so far no such news has surfaced, but many custom-compiled OBS versions have hit the internet that works smoothly on the Mac M1 chip.
Does OBS run on Mac M1?
OBS runs on the Mac M1 chip but it is unable to totally utilize the potential of the super-powerful chip. Currently, if you install the software on your Mac M1, it will run on Rosetta 2 as it is not a native version.
The company is currently working on a native version of the software for the Mac M1 chip. The team is hopeful that the new version will be able to take full advantage of the potential of the super-powerful chip. In the meantime, users can install OBS on their Mac M1 computers and use it with Rosetta 2.