Discord Phone Number Already Used

By Biddrup Mallick Written by Biddrup Mallick I am a freelance writer with over 450 completed projects. I have written to more than 200 satisfied clients since 2011, completing more than 10 projects for each of these clients that added up to over 1 million words. My success stems from my ability to create logical arguments and meeting deadlines while staying true to the company’s voice and brand identity. In 2013, I won an award from Elance for being the top-rated provider in my category!
Updated on July 25, 2023

What happens when you try to register a Discord account and you’re told your number has been used already?

If someone has used your Discord phone number to open an account already, it might be impossible to roll back. However, some methods might work to help you gain access to the Discord community and all services it offers. 

Taking cues from the information in this guide is a smart way to bypass Discord phone number already used stress-free. 

How to Fix an Existing Discord Account is Already Using this Number

First method: Use alternate login

You can choose another phone number to register a new Discord account. Using a different phone number makes that contact a recognized login detail of your Discord.

Second method: Contact Discord Support

Step 1: Visit Discord’s support website

Step 1: Visit Discord’s support website

Step 2: Click on the Menu icon

Step 2: Click on the Menu icon

Step 3: Click Submit a Request 

Step 3: Click Submit a Request 

Step 4: Select Help & Support

Step 4: Select Help & Support

Step 5: Write a description and Click Submit

Your description should cover a request that your linked phone number is rejected at login. Next, fill in all other necessary columns and click Submit.

Step 5: Write a description and Click Submit

Third method: Change your Discord phone number

Step 1: Visit your Discord account

You can download the Discord app on your device or access it through your browser. 

Step 2: Go to Phone Settings and tap Account

Click Phone Settings at the bottom right corner of your phone screen.

Step 2: Go to Phone Settings and tap Account

Step 3: Tap Phone

Step 3: Tap Phone

Step 4: Enter your Phone Number

At this stage, you will be asked to enter a phone number to be linked to your Discord account. 

Step 4: Enter your Phone Number

Step 5: Enter verification code

Step 5: Enter verification code

Step 6: Verify your phone number

After entering the verification code, you will be directed to a page to verify ownership of your Discord account. 

Step 6: Verify your phone number

Click Done after entering your password. 

With these steps, your new phone number will link to your Discord. You can use your linked number to log into your account too after completing the steps. 

How to Get Past Discord Phone Verification

Step 1: Open your email app

Go to your phone or computer’s email app and create a new template to compose your message to Discord. 

Step 2: Create an email to send to Discord

The recipient address of your email should be [email protected]

Step 3: Write Phone Verification Issues as your mail’s subject

The subject of your email should read as Phone Verification Issues or something similar. Also, craft a message showing you can’t receive verification numbers to your phone. 

Crafting a clear, concise email is the key to getting much-needed support from Discord to bypass phone verification. 

Step 4: Send your email

Hit Send on your email app to send your message to Discord Support. 

Discord will contact you later with more information about how to get past verifying your account with a phone number. Note that there is no definite timeline covering when Discord will reply to your email. 

In some cases, Discord will automatically help you bypass phone verification before contacting you by mail. 

The best way to bypass phone verification problems is to contact Discord for assistance. Other methods available are more likely to fail, and there’s no harm in trying out this method. 

How to Fix Something Going Here Discord Without Phone Number?

Uninstalling and reinstalling your Discord app could be enough to solve the ‘Something Going on Here’ issue. If you’re on a Web browser, close Discord, clear your browser’s cache, and restart Discord. 

You can also fix this issue by contacting Discord Support at www.support.discord.com and lodging a complaint with necessary information. 

Does Discord Save Phone Number?

Discord stores the phone numbers of all accounts forever, and no old number can work to open a new account. Even after account deletion, Discord will still recognize and reject a phone number tied to a deleted account. 

The only way you can change phone numbers on Discord is when you have an active account. An active account allows you to edit and change phone numbers tied to your Discord at will. 

Why is Discord Rejecting My Phone Number?

Discord may be rejecting your phone number because it has been used to open an account in the past. Some phone numbers may also be unavailable for use on Discord based on laid-down policies. 

Discord users with VOIP, burner/prepaid, and landline numbers won’t get much headway opening an account too. 

Poor connection issues during registration or login may also cause Discord to reject your phone number. 

Can I Use One Phone Number on Multiple Discord Accounts?

Unfortunately, you cannot use one phone number to register or log into different Discord accounts. Discord only allows one phone number per account at each point in time. 

If you desire to change your old phone number on Discord, it won’t be recognized as a valid login detail.